The program centers around two projects: recLAmation, a film by Hilary Goldberg, and make/shift, an independent magazine featuring the art and activism of queer and antiracist feminists from around the world. Along with these projects, the event will include work by members of your local community to show the connections between feminist work at the local, national, and transnational levels.
This multimedia program featuring film with live narration, readings, and video works movingly articulates a feminism that is as concerned with prisons and policing, queer politics, immigration raids, and colonialism as it is with traditional feminist issues like domestic violence.
The ever-growing list of participants includes Tara Betts, Tyrone Boucher, Mariana Ruiz Firmat, Tiny aka Lisa Gray-Garcia, Hilary Goldberg, Maribel Gomez, Che Gossett, Alexis Pauline Gumbs, Jessica Hoffmann, Kai Kohlsdorf, Jessica Lawless, Little Light, Courtney Desiree Morris, Lenelle Moise, Adele Nieves, Maegan la Mamita Mala Ortiz, Piece, Jules Rosskam, Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha, The Lower East Side Biography Project, Timmy Straw, Tk (Tanya Karakashian) Tunchez, Mattilda Bernstein Sycamore, and Anastacia Tolbert ... with others TBA.